Promoting small business on the Internet is not easy. This is much more difficult than promoting a large commercial enterprise. However, every year more and more small businesses are undergoing radical changes.
Some are forced to leave the market, while others are forced to change completely to survive in the face of fierce competition. That’s why many people came to the conclusion that if today they don’t do effective promotion, tomorrow they will have to close down, because with the drop in sales they will disappear as well. Let’s consider modern methods of promoting small business.
Peculiarities of small business promotion
To begin with, we would like to point out that many methods of promoting small business on the Internet used abroad:
- cannot be used in our country,
- won’t help the domestic small business,
- It is difficult to implement in the Russian market.
However, there are also promotion methods that can be implemented. This means that it is possible to help domestic small businesses to become profitable. One of these popular methods – the promotion of the small business site.
But it requires careful preparation, professional approach, time and money resources. Promotion on the Internet – quite a costly part for any business. But without it, modern companies have virtually no chance of becoming successful.
First of all, you should abandon the traditional methods of promotion. This is necessary to make the business profitable, to minimize its costs. The biggest problem of classical promotion is the lack of funding.
The marketing department is most often cut in funding in the first place. This causes a reduction in the cost of SEO-promotion. Therefore, inefficient and unproductive promotion methods should be avoided.
Thus, regional companies refuse from commercial websites and focus on finding clients in social networks and other ways to communicate with the target audience.
Promotion of social media
Now social networks are no longer just a tool for communication. They have become the most powerful and effective commercial platforms where salespeople offer goods and services.
It has everything to help potential customers get the necessary information about the product. There are also reviews of the same users of the social network and direct communication with group administrators or company managers is offered.
Social networks do not stand still. They are rapidly developing and almost monthly offer new services, plug-ins, applications for the development of commercial sphere. Social networks are ideal for sale
- of unique products,
- of low-value goods,
- of their own production.
Such sellers should refuse to create sites that require considerable expense.

Promotion through content marketing
Emphasis can be placed on providing users with useful and relevant information through content marketing. This way of promoting small business on the Internet can be quite effective.
Remember that content can be different: articles, pictures, videos, etc. It should evoke positive emotions, be modern and interesting. But do not be distracted and move away from the main goal – to inform the target audience. Provide potential customers with important information, useful data, discounts, promotions and news. You should not expect to get immediate results.
If content marketing is carried out correctly, then over time it will bring tangible benefits, increasing the influx of customers.
Promotion of thematic activities
To make useful acquaintances and profitable connections, to find new clients or partners, to learn more and to communicate with competitors it is possible at exhibitions, fairs, seminars, forums and other thematic events.
Today, many small business representatives visit them to remain a part of the business. And the events themselves become more friendly and take place in a calm business atmosphere. Sometimes the cost of participation in such events is expressed not by a specific figure, but by a certain percentage of the products sold at the event.
This is a rather attractive offer, which will help not only to save on the ticket, but also to sell their products.
Promotion of partner programs
Small business or sole proprietor of the enterprise can find allied partners and promote the business by means of partner programs. For example, photographers can work in partnership with make-up artists, hairdressers, leading festive events – with musicians, companies selling balloons, flower shops, etc.
It is convenient and profitable for all parties. Therefore, partnership programs are in high demand among business owners.
Promotion on forums and bulletin boards
With access to the World Wide Web, you can easily find any product or service. This will also help promote small business on the Internet. By posting information on free notice boards, forums and other thematic resources, you can leave relevant information about the company, products and services offered, etc.
It is very important to find the right target audience and send their messages to it. Performance of such tasks should be entrusted to specialists with relevant work experience.
Today, small business in Russia especially needs effective promotion if it wants to bring profit and stay in the market for a long time. It is very important that such promotion can be done not only by specialists, but also by business owners themselves.